For the past few days we have had a buzzard flying around our area - we watch it come over the hill and fly down towards our garden being mobbed constantly. Ordinary Buzzards flying nearby look somewhat smaller and it is almost pure white underneth with a definete black edge all around it - it looks beautiful against the winter back drop and very distinctive. It appears to have a white rump as it turns but most sightings are of the underside - has anyone seen a rough legged buzzard in Shrewsbury/Shropshire area as I'm sure this is what I am seeing. The other buzzards come down and sit in our scots pine but this one just circles and keeps quite high and distant from us in comparison.
It is possible as a small number winter here, though a lot of common buzzards can also be pale and even white also!
This might help you in your identification - The main thing to look out for seems to be the blacvk-tipped tail.
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
any chance of a photo ? Even with a small lens camera it might give us some help.
It does sound quite good for RLB but as has been said Common Buzzards come in a variety of colours :)
For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides, binoculars, scopes, tripods, etc - put 'Birding Tips' into the search box
I have had the camera by the door all day today but alas no bird in sight probably because it hasn't stopped snowing.
Hi Lucybob,
It's possible, but it's impossible to say definitely yes or no based on the description. RLB's are rare anywhere, and especially as far away from the east coast as Shropshire. You can get some astonishingly pale common buzzards too, to confuse the issue - we've got one near us in Banbury that's pure white underneath.
One characteristic of RLB's is that they hover a lot more than "commons", which will hover but usually only in the face of a strong updraft wind coming off a hillside or cliff. Have you seen your bird doing much hovering?