unidentified brown bird

choc brown bird with dark beak and legs,redish bown breast.......bigger than a blackbird....sitting on my bike seat for long time then chased off by a fieldfare thrush

  • Hi Bekky and welcome. You wait until the low level (as it is at this time of year) sun catches the breast of the female blackbird full on. It fazed me the first time I noticed it as it makes it look like a completely different bird!

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Hello Bekky, if you notice the difference between your resident blackbirds and the winter visitors, you will notice how the size and colour shading does differ. I had plenty of visitors during the snow and it was so much easier for me to see at that time.

  • Hi Again all

    Thankyou sparrow, squirrel and brenda for welcoming me :)

    Ive been feeding my garden birds for about a year now, always been fascinated by birds, but I know very little and am eager to learn more and that is why I joined!  I really do enjoy watching the birds in my garden and so do my 2 daughters,11 and 6! And im just trying to make sure I can identify the most common garden birds ready for the Big Bird watch next week, so thankyou, I know now that its highly likely a female blackbird!


    Did she look like my Avatar.

    camanda said:

    choc brown bird with dark beak and legs,redish bown breast.......bigger than a blackbird....sitting on my bike seat for long time then chased off by a fieldfare thrush


    Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!

  • I have one too and mine is definitely a blackbird. She has a velvety dark red chin patch just like yours.

    My one is so bossy she suddenly swoops out and flies at any other bird (except pigeons) that lands on the lawn.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Ditto Woodpecker. Was quite surprised how redish and speckly the female Blackbird can look in certain light. Mine is incredibly bossy too. She is definately giving Mr Blackbird a huge amount of stick at the moment. Poor fella can't sit down for more than a couple of seconds before she rudely pecks him on the bottom. The birds give her a very wide berth.