Moth & Wader question

1. A moth found in Spain - it was really big - the background is a coach.

2. Pretty positive it's a whimbrel but recent posts on curlew/whimrels made me unsure!

3. A general question - what makes a wader a wader? Is there any scientific guidelines on what to call a wader or is it just a collective noun for long legged birds which wade? I know they are birds which 'wade' but for example, no waders I know can just float on wader except from pharalopes. Does that exclude pharalopes from 'waders' or does it just make them 'special waders'? Ok I'm going to stop ranting because now I'm just confusing myself....  :)


Thanks in advance

'Dip a dee dah, dip a dee ay, we're not seeing any birds to-day...'