Hi all, first time for me on this website. I have this regular visitor who has been coming to my garden for the past 2 years alone usually throughout summer months, a very delightful bird that has a thrusting neck/head motion when walking along the ground (like a hen) and he/she likes doing little sprints/charges on the lawn. Interestingly this year I have seen it in my garden in January. From photos alone it looks like an African Pied Wagtail but I have not seen any reports of a African-variant appearing on our shores when I searched online which has given me doubts. Please can you confirm if this bird is a African Pied Wagtail or something else? I also have a video of his movement and taking off if this forum allows me to upload. Thanks!
Got to say I've not heard of African Pied Wagtail. Your bird looks like a UK standard Pied Wagtail. Lovely bird to see, especially in a garden, and entertaining to watch
Thanks for confirming! I knew I couldn't ID it accurately on my own using google search :)