Greater Scaup or Tufted Duck

Hi all, please can somebody ID this bird?

Google lens says Greater Scaup but could be a Tufted Duck.

Taken yesterday at St Aidan's, Leeds.

Not a great photo by the way!


  • I not the best for bird ID, but after looking at the markings for both, I'm tempted to say Scaup.

    You're right to not totally rely on Google Lens, it does have it's limitations. It could be either, if you're a regular at St Aidan's, or have access to their sightings lists, are scaup regulars there or not.

    Hopefully, someone who has more experience will be able to give a more definitive answer.

  • I've been caught out by similar birds at St. Aidens, asking some regular birders if they might be female scaup, but was told that they are female tufted ducks, which have variable amount of white in front of the bill. Most likely that's what your bird is.

  • I've been caught out by similar birds at St. Aidens, asking some regular birders if they might be female scaup, but was told that they are female tufted ducks, which have variable amount of white in front of the bill. Most likely that's what your bird is.

    Likewise, but not at St Aidan's, more local to me.

    Like you, I looked carefully at the beak and the plumage around the beak. Without seeing the back feathers, it was a difficult guess.