Need help identifying squeaking sound

Hi All,

I'm staying in Wales at the moment near Machynylleth. At night I can hear a constant squeaking coming from the woods nearby, it sounds like multiple birds participating. I tried using Merlin but it doesn't seem to recognise the call.

I've posted the audio here, you'll need to turn your volume right up :


  • As you say, very tricky to hear even with volume turned right up. I've taken the liberty of amplifying the recording and this is what I got.

    I reckon it's probably young Tawny Owls calling to be fed.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi TeeJay

    Your indeed correct, I've ventured out into the woods and seen 2 of the Juvenile Tawny Owls and got a very blurry picture of them!

  • Well found, Nice to have confirmation.



    My Flickr Photostream