Help to ID bird

Hi, can anyone help ID this bird please. I know the images are poor but they're the best I could do unfortunately. I photographed this today on my allotment. The closest I could find on Google is a Northern Mockingbird but I'm not sure. Thanks 

  • Thanks for all your replies. It's a brand new bird to me, the first "exotic" visitor my new nature pond. Probably not exotic to you but very much so to me. So thanks in helping me identify this lovely little bird. I'm hoping to have many more visitors that I may need help with in future if you don't mind please:)
    My pond is on my allotment with feral cats. I don't mind the cats. I am concerned about creating a wildlife haven though that becomes a cat buffet. I'll post pictures of the area and what i intend to do in a new thread in the next day or two. If you wouldn't mind keeping an eye out for it I'd really appreciate any and all advice please. Thanks
  • Thanks for all your replies. It's a brand new bird to me, the first "exotic" visitor my new nature pond. Probably not exotic to you but very much so to me. So thanks in helping me identify this lovely little bird. I'm hoping to have many more visitors that I may need help with in future if you don't mind please:)
    My pond is on my allotment with feral cats. I don't mind the cats. I am concerned about creating a wildlife haven though that becomes a cat buffet. I'll post pictures of the area and what i intend to do in a new thread in the next day or two. If you wouldn't mind keeping an eye out for it I'd really appreciate any and all advice please. Thanks
  • Even the stock photos on Google don't correlate to each other. Hence why I'm here seeking advice. From my research there is 'virtually'no chance it's a Northern Mockingbird which is to say there is a 'chance' it is. I appreciate you saying it's a grey waggie 'IMO'. Makes all the difference me. Topical forums from my experience are full of members who can't differentiate fact from opinion. Thanks
  • Yes , image searches aren’t always the most reliable, add in plumage and age variations makes it more difficult and I have seen photos of birds incorrectly identified. I would say though that several members here have decades of experience with birds and can be relied upon for a positive ID. However, in my experience of this forum if not sure we would always add that caveat.

    Grey Wags are lovely birds, always nice to see. Hopefully it will continue to visit.
  • It's only my opinion as I ain't an expert Rich but I think I know a little ..mostly when it comes to garden visiting birds...I get the odd Grey waggie visiting my pond but not often. I don't see the point of just saying what it is without an explanation especially to a new birder or even fairly new as that's certainly not gonna help to identify again in the future IMO

    Anyhow...welcome to the forum and as Mr B said there are members on here with decades of experience...including don't be put off asking for an explanation of 'why or how' ......

    I hope you enjoy your new found hobby and look forward to your future posts ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)