Bedraggled little bird near Lisbon, Portugal

  1. Hi, Can't find mention of a bird with red head & a yellow brest. Landed on tower block near Atlantic coast & stopped for some food & drink.
  • Hi, I know it's been a while since this post however I've just been looking through and this looks very much like a 'mule', i.e., a finch hybrid, possibly goldfinch x domestic canary- this is quite a common combination among those who keep finches and would explain the weird colouration. Of course the yellow on the breast is strange, but also the wing seems to have multiple yellow bars, the face is somewhat orange and strangely marked, and it has a streaky back and breast despite being an otherwise adult plumaged bird.

    My guess is this is an escaped or released captive bird. Once again, I know this post is old now but I could not hep putting this here, and maybe it could be useful information to somebody perhaps?