Sorry, another ID, but it's been a good year so far

I don't know about where you live, but it's been a good year for rearing chicks in some areas. I've seen lots of birds around with multiple young ones, even saw a pheasant with 8 chicks the other day. The resident Blackbirds here have laid twice, it must be down to the warm sunny 6 weeks in May/June where we didn't even have any rain.
Anyhow, moving on; can anyone ID this upper moorland bird please? I think it's a Chat, possibly Stonechat. but really not sure as it doesn't look quite right in the pics i've found online. It's got a two tone call - a lower 'cough' then a very high pitched tweet. Sorry for potato phone footage and wind noise, but you can just about make it out in these 3 clips: