Merlin or Kestrel?

 Hi folks this has been swooping in and eating huge earthworms. But after searching extensively I am more confused than when I started because my gut said Merlin. Any ideas. Photo is a photo of my screen.

  • After checking on google I am going to suggest Merlin, check this link


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • A photo of a kestrel I took last week if you tap on the photo 

    the photo will be enhanced 

  • Interesting. I do have a shot I think of the underside of its tail. It was holding on to the tip of a sapling swaying in the breeze facing toward me. It may show its tail. It flies in off the open fields coming in low. No hovering at all. Then swoops up to a window sill and sits there. I known where it will pounce so as soon as I see it swoop up I can get ready. Then it pounces and so far has been grabbing earth worms. Once it has them if flies of again then comes back. Too late for nesting so I'm wondering who it's feeding. It did take on a queen hornet spinning mid air to try to catch it. Anyway this is harder than I thought. Thank you so far.
  • Should have said we do have a Bird of Prey thread where I encourage all to post their pics to help us for future reference .
    Link below ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Can't say I found Robbo's question to be terse at all. It's entirely logical to ask what someone sees in a bird that leads them to identify it incorrectly, as that can then be pointed out/corrected. The bird is a female kestrel. The colour of it and the markings lead me to that conclusion. It is not the same colour, or has the same markings, as a Merlin. No need for expertise in 'subtle differences', or to be a 'kestrel savant', comparison of the colour and markings of the back and wings is enough.

    There is really very little misidentified 'stuff' on Google images but what Google will often do is return a random image from the article it links, so a search for Merlin might well throw up an image of a Kestrel if there is one in the article for comparison for instance, so you really need to follow the link and read said article.

    I also have to point out I find it somewhat bizarre, that even though apparently the op doesn't 'know a kestrel from a dustbin lid', and they 'don't know about birds of prey', they then go on to say in a later post they are 'not that dull where birds of prey are concerned and drew almost nothing else as a child. Kestrels where common as muck , , .' etc etc etc.

    Not sure what caused the op's confusion with themselves, or really what triggered their anger and immature sarcasm, but there really is no need for someone who descends so quickly to childish goading and trolling on this forum. It's sad to see.
  • I'll be sure to ask you how you felt the next time someone addresses me and then you can tell me how I felt. Bizzare comment.

    I did draw very little else when I was a child. But I was a child and had not yet begun to learn what they were. Male kestrels were very prolific along the bypasses that I would often travel. As a child. As a passenger. Being driven by an adult. Because I was a child. I asked any available adult what stuff was when I didn't know what it was ... because I was child. Google had two legs, two arms, lady parts and a car.

    Thank you for the lesson on how Google works it should serve me well ... Flushed

    As I clarified I had no clue as to what a female kestrel looked like because during my apparently deprived life it had never come up. I didn't draw those. And because kestrels were as common as muck where I grew up we didn't draw those either. Now an Osprey was a different matter. I don't know what a female one of those looks like either. So for clarification because you questioned it so you must need that information, or are attempting to belittle me (surely not), I wouldn't know a female kestrel from a dustbin lid (until your helpful input). Or a merlin. A mazda, quark, dogleg reamer, fluorine dioxide or indeed a wainscoting. These things are a mystery to me which Google will no doubt continue to disguise unless I can unlock its secrets. Alas.

    Finally - "someone who descends so quickly to childish goading and trolling on this forum. It's sad to see."

    Thank god you're above all that eh then.
  • The difference being, yours was entirely unjustified. Mine on the other hand is amply evidenced by the immature rubbish of your third post, and your most recent ones, in this thread.
  • Scroll back youll find that your ego waddled in unbidden.

    Your patronising, puffed up, self important, name calling and derisive comments are wasted on me I am afraid.

    If you don't like it up you luv, don't pull your trousers down.

    Have a delightful evening Blush
  • Hey guys it might be a good idea to change the topic from the previous discussion to something else now. The forum has already been verified regardless of all the confusion.  so it doesn’t matter any more now. Also The poster knows now and In the end the post has already been answered. And we  all agree it’s a very good photo aswell