I'm back with more birds... wetland birds again (they aren't my strong point). And this time, I made the effort to upload them onto my computer rather than just taking a picture of my camera lol. The pictures are still awful though. Seen at Blacktoft Sands on Sunday.
1. Female garganeys or just mallards?
2. Common sandpiper or some other sandpiper? (featuring yellow wagtail).
3. (Excuse the godwits/avocets etc.) Don't think I've seen this bird before. I was thinking dunlin. It surely can't be a curlew sandpiper, I don't possess the kind of luck to see such a bird.
4. Common redshank? There were loads of redshanks about, this one just looked a bit different and it's bill looks almost widened at the tip.
5. Dunno. I have thoughts but I'm so confused. Again, bill looks widened at the tip.
Apologies for the rubbish photos. I may have garnered the effort to upload the photos but not to tart them up!
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can
In the middle of THIS POST RSP :o)
Rspbailey, if you are lucky enough to visit somewhere like Blacktoft Sands in the next few weeks you may see some returning Ruff in as near as damn it breeding plumage. There is an area at the Western end of the reserve where if you time it right you may see these splendid looking birds before they move South