A few minutes ago, I heard bird noises that sounded like an alarm? If the video is inaccessible, it sounded like 2 cheeps half a second from each other, then a few seconds later it did 3 cheeps again half a second from each other, with the last cheep having a minuscule delay. I had to wait a bit longer for the 3 cheeps to occur again, and then it did 4 of them before I stopped recording. To save time, it’s probably best to start the video from the time marker 0:26. I live in the Bedfordshire county on a bit of slightly raised land along a road, and the chirping happened in the middle of the night before I was about to sleep. Any suggestions on what kind of bird this is would be great, since I cannot find any matching bird calls on the internet for birds that call like this in the night.
@onewiththerainbow I hope it's alright, but I've edited the audio within your video by increasing the volume and reducing the background noise and finally saving it as an mp3.
I must admit that it sounds like a door that needs oiling
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