Which gull is this?

Hello again, if possible what gull is this? Flew overhead with slow powerful wingbeats (similar to a heron) and had a large protruding bill 


  • I'm struggling with this one. One of the large gulls. The light makes coloration deceptive and I'm not 100% sure what's a feature and what's an optical illusion. I don't see any black or white on the wingtips, and there may or may not be a tail bar, so maybe we're looking at an immature. However, It's an older one, as I don't see much mucky brown coloration.

    Most likely a herring gull or one of the black-backs. Don't think I can get any closer. Long wings suggest LBB, heron-like flight and noticeably large bill say GBB. Depending on the location, herring may be most likely statistically.

  • Hi

    I think GBB is out- it doesnt look bulky enough-

    also there APPEARS to be pale in the inner primaries which would indicate HG- but it could be the back lighting:

    HG for me unless someone can sway me to LBB



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  • Having got round to putting the photo on a bigger screen I think Seymour is right, there is not much that says it is not a Herring Gull. Such photos are extremely difficult to id as there is nothing to scale the bird against and lots of shadows where we don't want them


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can