Hi friends, can anyone tell me the best position to site a bug hose? I have one on a wall facing my kitchen window facing the morning and earl afternoon sun, it has been up about three years but as far as I can see has only had one small hole sealed, it's been sealed for at least two years. I have now received another bug house as a gift. We have a long garden with mature trees, where do you think I should site my new house? On my night cam I see lots of moths etc and in the day midges all around the trees. Thanks
isn't wild wonderful
Here's some info from the BBC's website (hope it's useful):
Siting your bug home
Bug boxes should be in a warm dry place. If the rain can get in, your visitors may drown.
An insect box takes up little space so you could put one on a balcony or fix it to the wall. You could even secure it to your window box – if it’s not too heavy.
You can put a bunch of twigs on a balcony, hang them up from a wall, or just leave then in a planted container.
Make sure your bug home can't be blown away in the wind.
Bees, butterflies and some other insects sometimes find their way into your house to hibernate – well away from the winter chill! This can mean they wake up when you put the heating on, so if you find one hiding in your house, try moving it to a cool, dark place to encourage it to go back to sleep until spring.