The attached poor quality long distant photos were taken on Friday 17th June in Stroud Gloucestershire.
I believe it is a Green/Grey Parakeet. The photo of the pair of Parakeet is not mine, but is included for comparison/identification.
Do you agree with my idendification? Has anyone else seen Parakeets in the wild this far west of England?
Hi Bob
I had a green parakeet in a tree at the back of my garden last year and it looked a lot like yours.
Mine had apparently travelled up the Oxford Canal and was noted by the local RSPB at Jericho and Kidlington. Not as far west as you but perhaps your sighting is a sign of them gradually moving over.
Amazing birds although I know not popular with everyone.
I felt concerned the one I saw was alone, but he was happily chatting away to himself.
Best wishes
Eilid x
"out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there" Rumi
The bird in your pic is certainly a parakeet - but which species?
In the UK there are two parakeet species which have established significant breeding populations in the wild. Ring-necked is the most common, especially in south-east England, while Monk or Quaker Parakeet is more restricted - parts of Greater London only as far as I know. The pair of birds on your PDF are Monk Parakeets.
I'm not sure your mystery parakeet is either of those species. The greyish-looking head and dark wings are wrong for Ring-necked (they are pretty uniform shocking green all over), and your mystery bird's tail is quite a bit too long for Monk Parakeet. I think the likeliest explanation is that your bird is a different parakeet species which has recently escaped its cage/aviary, but I don't know which - there are dozens of species of 'green parakeets' kept in captivity in Britain. If you have any other photos showing the bird's face that would be most helpful...
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Hi Bob and welcome to the RSPB Forum. Enjoy yourself here
Great answers from posters above, and aiki has given a very precise answer.
My thoughts are that your viewed Parakeets are escapees from captivity. I also find it hard to know what the species will be at all.
The white markings around the neck causes confusion with me.
Wonder what Parakeet has these markings?
Kathy and Dave