What's this please?

Not sure what this is as it looks like so many others to a relative amateur. Flying over farmland today near my house, 16th June 2010, 10a.m.

  • Hi eagle eye

    Welcome to our wild wee family!!

    Not 100% sure of this, esp as I'm not sure where about you are in the world, but could this possibly be something to do with your name? I think that it might be an eagle - shh. If someone else comes along saying something else; just pretend that this never happened.

    Keep looking at it + eagle is what comes into my head every time? shrug

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 16/06/2010 17:30

    Hi Eagle Eye

    I would say your photo is of a Common Buzzard

    The finger like wing primaries give the game away.

    Just the manner in which the bird is flying in the slow gait that it seems to be doing.  Buzzards like to fly around in slow circles for hours on end.

    They like the lazy life


    Kathy and Dave


  • Thanks for the welcome to the website and thanks for responding. There were two of these birds slowly soaring overhead so the Buzzard description fits although the colours didn't look right. Thanks again!!

  • Hi and welcome to the fourms from me too!

    It looks very like a Buzzard to me.



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!