I have just seen a single bird calling continuously, occasionally stopping to take a snatch of leaves from the top tree branches of a silver birch and later a laburnum. 7.30am in Kirriemuir, a little town in Angus. My house is near fields and is next to a tree-lined park.
The single bird was joined in 5 minutes by 2 others.
I thought it was a junior waxwing
It was grey with a yellowy-green stripe to its wing edge. It had no crest but was like a plump starling. Short beak. I looked it up on the the RSPB site and got a waxwing but its call is completely different
a sort of peeeee - wit - rising at the end, nearly continuously. Not like the RSPB recording of waxwings at all.
Great if you can help me out!
Thanks for reading this and looking forward to your response!
Hi Susa
Welcome to the forum
Your description of the yellow edge to the wing and the call makes me think of greenfinch although they are smaller than a starling. At this time of year the young are quite greyish looking without much colour although they still have that yellow wing edge. Here's a young one that came to my feeder. The females are also fairly drab.
Have a listen to the calls of the greenfinch. The first one in particular which is a typical contact call is similar to the peeee - wit sound you describe.
Play this audio clip
Of course I may be way off the mark but see what you think.
Regards TJ
My Flickr Photostream
HI TJ, thanks v. much for such a helpful reply. Yes you are right it must be either a female or a juvenile greenfinch. It's funny I've seen adults (green) finches on the feeders but not noticed them in the trees. They are definitely bigger than sparrows and chaffinches. The first recording is the call they were making. Interesting you call it a contact call - a single one sat making this call and then was later joined by 2 others. Then it flew to another tree and did the same. My RSPB handbook says this call is 'too-ee'
This is my first post to the RSPB community - looking forward to joining in.
Aye Susa
Welcome to the fourms Hope you will enjoy it here . They are a great bunch.
Look forward to your posts
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Hello Susa and wecome to the forum. Hope to hear a lot more rom you.