I have recently put out Milk Thistle in the garden along with feeding seeds. This has attracted two little birds with red and white stripey heads, a creamy coloured beak, a light brown and cream chest and yellow and brown wings. They are about the size of little tits and appear to like travelling in two's and one sits either side of the feeder. Can anyone please enlighten me to what these pretty little birds are? When they look at you they look almost like a penguin!
Thanks for you help.
Hi Yvonne,
Congratulations on attracting Goldfinches to your garden, They are so pretty and their singing is lovely too. Good Luck with you nest box and I hope you have successfully saved the nest.
Welcome to The forums.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Hello Yvonne. Lovely to hear about your goldfinch and so glad you were able to temporary repair your nest box. I hope you see the fledglings.