I had a pair of these visit our garden today. My husband thinks its a blackbird but I don't! I'm wondering if it could be a nightingale? However, I am not a bird expert, so would appreciate some advice from someone who is!
Thank you
Hi Clarabel
It's a juvenile starling. They look quite different from the adults,which as you know are a glossy black colour with spots, at this stage of their development. Would have been nice if it had been a nightingale but you will never see one of those sitting out in the open.
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Regards TJ
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Welcome from me too......TJ you just beat me to it.....lol........
SUE and LUCKY..just call me Mrs Early Bird.....x
Our house operate's soley for our animals and birds......Love me love my animals........
Thank you! I feel a little guilty saying it, but I'm quite disappointed! I get a little bored of seeing starlings and was so hoping it would be more of an unusual bird!
Never mind!
Thank you again