If you know it, it must be obvious!


I'm new to the forum and joined because I have a bird in my garden that's driving me mad as I don't know what it is!  I'm sure it's howlingly obvious to someone who knows their birds.  It's the size of a sparrow, it's very pale brown/green in colour, it flies like a lark with its wings high, fluttery and held back but puts me in mind of a warbler - it has a great voice and never shuts up - I've attached (I hope!) a rather poor sound recording.  It's quite hard to see as it dives into bushes and flies off if you get anywhere near it.  I live near the sea and am surrounded by open moorland but my garden is full of bushes and small trees so it's a bit of an oasis in the wild.  It's the first time I've had one here and strange migrants do get blown in but I think it's something normal!

Any help would be very gratefully received as I'm a bit of bird dunce.

Thank you.


  • Hi again Pipit

    We seem to have comandeered this thread. If your video software can save the file as an mp3 file I would do that rather than a wav file which tend to be much larger. There is another way I can suggest using a piece of free software called Audacity. Post a message on my page if you want to have a go at that rather than having a long discussion on someone else's thread




    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Thanks to everyone who has replied.  You might be interested to know that my sedge warbler seems to be nesting succesfully so far, fingers crossed there may be more sedge warblers on the way...