Pigeon eye colour

Hi, Dont know who else to ask ? Thought I had a Stock Dove in the garden
the other day so got the books out.No white markings or white rump, only
the mere suggestion of black wing bars, a bluey grey with irredicent green
flashes at the side of the neck. Yep looks like a stock dove I thought, only the eye
was suspect as it was black with an orange ring just like a Rock Dove /
ferral Pidgeon. Where is this all leading you may ask? Well, in all the
pictures I could find of the Stock dove it had a completely  black eye and
in all the pictures of rock doves / ferral pigeons they  had  ringed eyes
,yet  this, IF IT IS ONE?, obvious and easily spotted difference and instant way of telling
the two easily confused birds apart was never mentioned in any of the
reference books or net sites I could find. Now here finally is my my
question ???? do all Stock Doves have black eyes and all Rock doves /
ferral pigeons have ringed eyes if so and nobody else has noticed do I get
a free cuddly toy pigeon.
I would be interested in any feedback from the experts out there or have I put the cat amonst the pigeons ( I don't usually bother with jokes)  . Cheers Walter P.