Hi all
I have filmed a bird who i can't identify, its the size of a sparrow, with a black head and a black bib that is the shape of a triangle, (point down) it has a finch like beak, side of beak has a white strip going to chest.
It has a brown and black wings, with a white collar. and a grey under belly.
I have tried looking for it but can'y find any thing like it on this site.
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
Hi Janet, it sounds as though it is a Reed Bunting
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
yes thats it thank you!
there is a large flock of them at my sister's place and a very large flock of yellow hammers.
i've never seen reed bunting before, they are lovely!
Hi Janet, you're welcome. They are gorgeous aren't they? I saw my first at a local reserve a couple of weeks back - just the two but I'm not complaining. When I looked at the "Latest Sightings" board I found I should have seen yellowhammers as well but I think they must have been hiding from me!
Hi Janet,
you're so very lucky to have seen Reed Buntings (thanks to Squirrel for the ID). They're not a bird I've ever seen, pretty little things aren't they?
Squirrel *waves* - don't worry, every time I go anywhere near a reserve every bird vacates it!
I've just had the one who came on two consecutive days, but not since.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi Squirrel
Do reed bunting and yellow hammer always go together then?
I know what you mean Paul. There's a couple of reservoirs which make up one of our local reserves and whatever side I am on the water birds either go right to the far side or come in so close to the waters edge that I can't see them at all due to the walkway being rather high up.
Hi Janet, I honestly don't know whether they go together in the same way that Fieldfares and Redwings tend to (although I saw Redwings but no Fieldfares!!!) but they do seem to crop up together quite often. I am sure Buzzard will know more.
Janet D said: Hi Squirrel Do reed bunting and yellow hammer always go together then?
Reed Buntings breed in and around reed beds- Yellowhammers breed on farmland in hedges. They will feed together where there is a good supply of seeds in winter. In the next couple of weeks I would expect them to return to breeding territories and sing :)
For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides, binoculars, scopes, tripods, etc - put 'Birding Tips' into the search box
I stand a good chance of seeing them for a while yet then because the reservoirs have the reed beds and much of the surround is farmland.