Mystery Table Bird!

I'm not giving any clues away!

So it's just the photo.

It's not a Turkey!

Regards Buzzard


Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 01/04/2010 03:43 in reply to Anonymous

    Go on then, I'll bite. Given the NZ flavour of previous posts, and although this skin's mounted in quite an atypical  posture, I'll go for a dull and faded Takahe.

  • The photo was taken by my outlaws who travelled the South Islands of New Zealand

    The Pukeko, or New Zealand Swamp Hen is a member of the rail family, and is similar to other species found all over the world.

    The purple gallinule is a sub species of the Pukeko of which there are 13.

    The Takahe: Is like a Pukeko, only much rarer and fatter! It is also an endemic bird, meaning it is only found in New Zealand.

    I think you all did exceptionally well for having a go.

    Regards Buzzard

    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way