
I have recently moved into a house that has a large wildlife pond with a resident moorhen. I have no idea of the gender but they are on their own. Is there anything I can to to help this bird as I would love to see then with a mate and hopefully some chicks

  • Hi jmrb;    we live in apartment with a large pond/garden below and have moorhens.    it is difficult to separate the sexes as they are very similar with the male being slightly larger.     They are very capable waterfowl at finding their own food from pond plants, insects, snails, smaller fish, etc,    I do occasionally feed them dried mealworms which will float on the pond and also floating swan/duck food but they are good natural foragers and will often wander onto grassy areas to find worms/insects/seeds.     Last year one of the adults was attacked (we think by a heron as it defended the nestlings) but earlier on this year we heard the single moorhen calling in the night (we think the male) and eventually another mate turned up and they went on to have two successful broods this year managing to raise a total of 6 chicks from a total of 15.   Herons will visit ponds and take ducklings and moorhen chicks but it is natural behaviour for them although not nice to witness;  herons have to find food for their chicks too.       I hope your moorhen finds a mate next breeding season and they go on to have successful brood/s.     They are incredible parent birds, both taking turns to incubate eggs and feed their offspring;   even older juveniles from previous broods will help raise their younger brothers and sisters.  


    Regards, Hazel