Hello. My neighbour is a pigeon fancier. It never used to much bother me but this past year head doubled his flock. On a morning I now have over 30 birds on my law scavenging. It’s a large garden so doesn’t bother me massively, what does now bother is the seemingly large increase in dropping on my windows, walls, kids swings/slides and my car.
ive looked into decoys and other deterrents but I don’t want to scare off other wildlife. We are lucky enough to be treated to wild rabbits, foxes and deer wandering through our garden as well as nesting boxes for tits which are full this year.
does anyone have a suggestion for discouraging just the pigeons ?
Regards, Hazel
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can
You mentioned deterrent bird of prey,I have TWO of these positioned on the ground at different points,around the garden,as we get the lovely Doves cooing incessantly from 4.00a.m close to the bedroom.They now use the other Beech tree further along the garden,So it has worked for me, and I do move them regularly so they dont become a fixture.
They also have not deterred all the other small birds, Crows,magpies,blackbirds, Thrush,Blue Tits ,Wrens starlings, hedge sparrows etc all visiting and nesting.
I noticed this company no longer have any stock.....CHOL:):) I wonder why??? Tee Hee..
So sorry your neighbour does not appreciate the health hazard...