We once had flocks of starlings over my end of the close. The neighbour opposite had about a 50 yard stretch of decades old hedge and they all nested in there. The cacophony just before and just after the chicks fledged was awesome! But then the house was sold and the first thing the new owners did was to tear out all the hedging and replace it with a wooden fence!
Since then, no sparrows - not a one. And while the area was occupied by a family of ring necked doves and another of magpies, more recently a group of enormous ravens (or are they jackdaws?) have moved in so even they have moved on. Its like being invaded by a gang of hooligans!
So I have stopped putting out food and just have to endure the raucous squawking and other rowdy behaviour.
Oh I do miss the sparrows, the occasional blue tits, greenfinches and robins but they have not been by ever since the hedge was removed.
However, last year I did have a pair of nutcrackers build a nest in my car port and raise three chicks! Mind you, I had to move the car out while they were in residence but it seemed a small price to pay for the privilege of having them nest there.
I have been told that they will return to last years nest. Is that true?
And do sparrows migrate for the winter?
Not knowing where you are makes it difficult to comment. It could be a localised movement away from an area during a season e.g. winter. Not knowing the time scale you are talking about makes me not sure.
You mention Nutcracker do you mean Nutcracker or Nuthatch? I am unaware of Nutcrackers ever breeding in the UK are you UK based?
I'm between Sunderland and Durham. I'd been here about 12 years with the sparrows across the road. It's 4 years since they went and it's horribly and sadly quiet now.
And of course I meant nuthatch! Silly me!
In which case it is probably just a combination of environmental conditions such as lack of nest sites, food supply etc.
With regard to the Nuthatches I am not sure if they are faithful to a nest site but I do know that near me there is a site sued each year. There could be two reasons. The first being one or more of the original pair returning on the other hand it could just be a good site used by a different pair each year.
I take your points. But I still miss the noisy little critters!
And thank you for your replies