Enterprising Blackbird

A few weeks ago I added a new feeder to my garden, a holder into which jars of food resembling bird-friendly peanut butter are screwed. (See the excellent livingwithbirds.com website if you're interested). Its clearly designed for smaller birds and I've had regular visits from Blue, Great, Coal and Long-tailed tits - so a great success.

About a week ago I noticed the rate of use had increased considerably and after paying close attention I saw that a male Blackbird had worked out how to get up to it and hang on long enough to help himself. Its the first time I can recall seeing a Blackbird on any of my off-the-ground feeders. And this morning he served up a real treat. He turned up in the garden with his wife and child, and then proceeded to perform his aerobatic antics and feed the juvenile with his hard-gotten gains!

No doubt now the whole family will be at it, and I'll be even more out of pocket - but seriously it was a lovely sight to see and has made my day.

