Injured blackbird

A blackbird has flown into my window. I did manage to pick it up but whilst my mum was getting a box to put it in it flapped out of my hands and has hopped under a bush. It doesn't move when I get close to it but it isn't panting anymore is it best to leave it alone to reduce its stress and leave it under the bush to hopefully get better. It's been around an hour now?

  • There's some advice here about what to do. I would suggest that if it is upright and not likely to be preyed on by a cat then to leave it and keep an eye on it. However, if its condition worsens or it's still there after a while, perhaps it might be worth seeing if you can help it. I think the most important thing is for it to be warm, as I know that people have coaxed stunned birds back to life just from the warmth of their hands. Good on you for trying to help it Raised hands