Help with magpies

Hi can someone help me! I have black, blue & white type of magpies in my garden at least 2 one of my cats brought a baby one into the house yesterday I got it back outside and is still alive but the magpies are going crazy with my cats and trying to attack them every time the cats go outside the baby magpie is still in the garden and won’t fly away, please someone help the magpies are so loud and constantly waking my daughter up and tournenting my cats

  • Hi Bethany,I am not sure there is much than can be done right now as it's breeding season and birds are on high alert for predators. I had a random cat capture a pigeon the other day and it was only because the magpies were going crazy that alerted me to this...they are just trying to protect the other birds and alert them of danger, so might be best if possible you can try keep your cat indoors during the day....cats bites are lethal to birds so you can understand why the birds are acting like they are... sorry I can't be of any more help but it's that time of years.... usually lasts until end of August 

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Hi Bethany, I think your cat has invoked the wrath of the local magpies! Is it possible your cat has injured the baby magpie so it can’t fly away? It seems odd that it wouldn’t fly away or go to join its parents. Or it might be in shock. I agree with Linda. You might need to keep your cats indoors for the time being. The magpies are quite capable of injuring the cat too and it sounds like they will go after it as soon as they see it now. We don’t have cats but we have a real gang of local magpies this year and they can be very aggressive especially when it a group.