Do all great tit eggs hatch? Do all chicks survive and fledge,?

Had great tit nest with 8 eggs. Only 4 chicks survived and fledged. Is this normal.?Last 2 chicks died suddenly at the 11th hour. They were about to fledge.  The adult birds were feeding g them only seeds whereas previously they were feeding juicy caterpillars,insects etc live food. Don't know why they changed the diet to seeds .

  • Hi Gus, not all birds eggs are viable so there are often failures to hatch ... sounds very much as if the parents were having trouble finding suitable food, ie caterpillars & insects, from which the youngsters get fluid as well as food ... the weather this month hasn't helped being very cool & wet alternating with hot sun ... which way does your nestbox face?  You could help next year by supplementing with live mealworms in a guardian feeder to exclude bigger birds!  Would not do to have all eggs to hatch and chicks to fledge as that would create an imbalance in nature!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thank you very much Wendy for quick informative reply. Our nest box is in the shade covered with garden shrubs and and a crab apple tree. It's east facing. Will try having live mealworms next time as you suggested if we are lucky enough to have another brood.. Thank you for suggestion. Have a great day.