Today I witnessed something incredible. When coming off my train, I spotted two blue tits lying on the ground, on their sides, chest to chest and holding each others talons. One was clearly alive as it fluttered as I moved closer. The other appeared to have no head or a substantial injury. I decided to try and gently scoop them up with a soft bag I was carrying to maybe save the one that was alive. However as I bent down, they both flew away into nearby trees. On hindsight maybe the injured one had just been hit by the train. I feel terrible and so guilty that my attempt to pick them up was the wrong thing to do. I have done so for many injured birds and called the sspca to collect them. It’s also got me wondering if they were mates, trying to comfort each other. I’m no expert on birds so could be completely wrong but it has stayed with me all day.
Regards, Hazel