Recovery of a young goldfinch who flew into my glass door

Sadly I was so dumbfounded by what happened I failed to film the event.

A young goldfinch flew into the glass door of my conservatory. He / she landed on the dorr step wwiith his head at a very peculiar angle . I had no doubt that his neck was severely broken. He suuffered a few spasms whilst till  maintaining a perched position . I keep quite not wishing to disturb him knowing his nervous system had suffered a catastropic trauma . His head bent backwards before reverting back to his beak touching the floor . In the space of about 15 minutes his head gently raised to a horizontal level. He then shook himself giving the appearance of a total recovery  and then flew off. I am aware that birds can live for a few days with a broken neck but are unlikey to survive because they can no longer feed themselves. Does anyone know if this bird has any chance of survival ? I would be very interested to know. Thank you.