Fledgling Eurasian Jay in the garden for a week

Hi community,

If you can please kindly provide any advice,  I would be most grateful.

We have a fledgling jay in the garden since last weekend.  It flys between the benches and garden shed but doesn’t leave the garden.  We’ve had adult jays in the garden feeding from the bird feeder for a while, I don’t know if they are the parents but they don’t seem to take much notice of the fledging.

I have been putting out food in a bird feeder bowl specifically for the fledgling; crushed berries, nuts, seed and dry mealworms, it seemed to prefer the live meal worms I left for it In the week but I’m hoping it is still getting enough nutrients from the crushed mix?

Can someone please give any advice in terms of how much food to leave for it each day?   Also, how long should it be staying in the garden for? It doesn’t look injured and as I mentioned, it’s available to fly? I’m just worried about it and thought by now it would have flown off...?

Many thanks