Advice on Slightly Disturbed Blackbird Nest


I was clearing some Ivy from a building in my garden today, and came across a nest of 4 blackbirds.

I left the ivy immediately and in this respect, that which covers the nest still remains.

I took a quick snap incase needed for a post like this one and have left the area alone since. 

I don't know a whole lot about nesting habits of birds and have previously been advised that disturbing anest could cause the caregiver to abandon it. Is anyone able to advise on the likelihood of this being the case? 

A quick Google says we could expect not to see the caregiver often depending on age, and so I was wondering if anyone could confirm a probable age of the chicks in the below pic also?


  • Something took them in the night unfortunately. Went out to cut the grass today and the nest has been knocked to the ground, with 2 of the little ones dead there.

    I guess the remaining ivy hadn't been enough to conceal it properly to predators, despite not being able to see it myself.

    Very sad. The mother is still knocking about the garden though and doesn't mind me being a few feet away whilst gardening, so hopefully she sticks around and has a few more. It's a lovely environment for her.