baby blue tit

My cat bought in a baby blue tit, very young doesn’t even have his eyes open yet but has his fur, some missing from my cat but overall seems healthy. I can’t seem to find the best and my neighbor hood is surrounded by birds so i don’t know if i should leave it outside, as my cats would kill it and foxes too. i tried feeding it cat food and it did not open his beak only had a lick and then went to bed. No one’s going to be home tomorrow so i don’t know if he will make it, praying he will.

  • Am afraid the outcome aint gonna be good as cat saliva contains bacteria that is fatal to birds unless appropriate antibiotics are administered very soon after the injury. Cat predation is a major threat to bird populations, especially those already on the decline due to habitat loss.
    Cats really should be kept indoors during breading season.

    You could try the link below but it maybe too late for help :-(

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)