Canada goose on her own, lost partner

"Our" pair of Canada geese returned for the third year a few weeks ago, to our field pond. Mrs Goose has been sitting on eggs and they're probably due to hatch in the next week to 10 days.

Yesterday morning something befell Mr G: we're not sure exactly what. I saw part of a spat with an interloper goose, but not how it ended up or what happened as it was raining and I came inside after watching for a few minutes. I could add more background to the tale if anyone's interested, but haven't done here as it would make it much longer.

Suffice to say he hasn't reappeared and we don't think he will. I'm sure his instinct to return to his partner and the pond would be very strong, and he would have made it back if he was able to. That he hasn't seems to say it all. We're terribly upset, especially not knowing what happened. I'm haunted by the thought he could be injured somewhere, dying a slow death. But there we are: that's Nature.

My questions are about Mrs Goose now. She seems still intent on hatching the eggs -- I guess it's instinct to keep on sitting. Last evening, an hour or two before dark, she took a short break and seemed to be looking for Mr G, or at least aware that he should be there and wasn't.

But what about when the eggs hatch? Will she be able to raise the goslings on her own? They feed themselves so she doesn't have that duty, but there's weather to shelter them from while small, and crows and foxes and cats they'll need defending from. She'll need eyes everywhere instead of relying on her partner to do the lion's share (he was always a very protective and diligent partner and parent), and she'll be on her own defending them against threats or attacks on the little ones. If they make it to fledging, it'll be her who'll have to decide when they're ready to fly some distance, and take the initiative about when to take them away to wherever they go when they leave -- I think that's all been down to Mr G before, and presumably he continued the protective role after they'd left here.

And what about after this season? I presume as they've been together for 3 years running that they mate for life? Will she look for another mate?

Thank you.