Hatchlings found in hedge; what to do?

Thank you for the help received on the discovery of some baby birds. The mother came back shortly after posting. 

I am only just out of edu and feel like stuff like this really should be taught!! Especially to city dwellers. 

  • Firstly I think a lesson has been learned, cutting, chopping any bushes and trees where there could be birds nesting is a no, no, this should be done from September to February, outwith the nesting season, it is illegal to interfere with a nest once it has started to be made. Keep away from the nest, do not go looking in the bushes to see what has happened. Sometimes blackbird parents will come back after a while after being spooked, the mum will sit on the nest and the dad will come back and forth with food, until the chicks are big enough to leave the nest, then the mum will leave also and the chicks will fledge but you must observe from a distance. Don't be tempted to put food near to the nest site to help, as this will attract bigger birds, crows, Jay's, magpies who will take the chicks. Sadly the parents may not come back as they have been too spooked. Blackbirds will have more than one brood a year, sometimes going into August, this may have been her last one, she will lay upto 5 eggs and sit on them for around 14 for days and then brood for about the same. Fingers crossed that the parents come back, let us know the outcome.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.