Question about surveying

Does anyone here know much about Gordon Kirk or met up with him before  

If you have then do you know much about surveying in the breeding bird survey  and what happens then? 

I got a email from Gordon Kirk about Breeding bird surveying you pick a square 

and survey the area. But I didn’t know you walk with a surveyor. I have sent things off to my local recorder but havnt done the pick as square to survey 

and then take a paper with you and then join a group or walk with a surveyor in person  before 

I’m going to be meeting Gordin Kirk in April for  the very first time and he told me he lives on Frampton on Severn 



  • Yes Simon I think the contact with landowner or farmer is very important from both sides. They usually love to know what is on their land and also are happy to tell you what they see there. I do a couple of moorland and inbye field patches and find the keepers most helpful, they usually know what is on the area better than anyone. Looking  at the map of the square  offered  to  Zo it looks like  an industrial  estate  area so that may not be as important I have never  worked  a site  like that. Your  point about  farmland  birds is interesting we live on the  edge  of a mixed farming  area and ,as elsewhere,  the farm bird  numbers  are declining but some smaller  farmers  are now leaving  wider edges around the  fields and tending  the hedges  more sympathetically. An awkward  situation  for  them  as they also  need make  the  best of their land both to make a profit  and feed the country.Also local  Pheasant  shoots  have planted  areas of  cover  for their  birds which  helps  small  birds 


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • The area that’s been allocated is a place I been to very often. It’s the Orchard just down the road. There is a barn and farm there. At the barn there’s horses. At the farm theres white geese ducks and moorhens. And there’s is a big pond with reeds and there’s a field. there’s hedges around the outside of them and there’s house sparrows for the Orchard part on the allocated area near the farm there’s woodland with fruit trees like apple and pears and there’s lots of wildlife there. So the tip might still come in handy
  • I struggled with the Breeding bird survey cause I went on holiday and didn’t know it was still going on. I thought that you had to go round the square with the representative or you can’t do the survey but it turns out that’s not the case he was just talking about one of the training courses he holds

    Every year but he told me after I chose a square that’s why I got confused. You don’t have to walk with the representative to take part in the survey but if you do he can shoe you how to do it. Or show you round the square. I didn’t really need to be shown around cause iv visited it lots of times for a couple of years now.

    The Breeding bird survey you survey is the area allocated to you.  I mainly tryed to find instructions on the Breeding bird survey website, you can input your results online and theres a video that shows you how to. you don’t have to do it through the post. But Gordon. Kirk says most people prefer doing it through but some people do do it online instead so he’s ok with it.

    The breeding bird survey was still on even though I didn’t go to meet him but I didn’t know that. I was contemplating seeing if I can just do it online by myself and if I can submit the results when I visit the allocated area but I was very busy and I went on holiday so I ended up not putting any results in. I found out how it works this month by watching the video but I’m still getting the hang of it cause it’s my first time doing the survey. I have submitted a few results of my visits there I made before holiday which I didn’t know you can do. The breeding bird Survey ends today

    this is the square I was allocated 

    I apologised for not being able to submit some or all my data and exsplained why 
    And I told him I didn’t see much birds anyway and He said that it was fine