Blue tit started to nest in a camera nestbox . A week later another bluetit trashed the half made nest and both then left the garden. Will one return ? Why do they rub their underside on the base of the nestbox?

Blue tit started to nest in a camera nestbox. A week later another bluetit trashed the half made nest and both then left. will one return? Why do they rub their underside on the base of the nestbox. 

Also another bird , maybe a wren had a look inside and took some of the nest back outside the nestbox. Is that bird looking to nest

  • The one that was building the nest would probably have continued to nest until it was disturbed by the second one. Most likely neither will use the box now. Some will build a complete nest and still go elsewhere. Another may come and use the box this year. When they pick at the enterance hole and fuss about inside, they are looking to see if the box is to their fancy, and whether they will use it. The wren was most likely taking material for its own nest, have a look around, at a distance, and you may see it, it will be built in amongst greenery, quite well hidden. Ours was in a creeper on the end wall, high up at rhone level, a small nest built almost from moss. Don't go poking in about, as this is not allowed and could scare them away,

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks very much. The nest is almost complete with no sign of a bluetit now!