Kestrels in the Quarry 2013...

The pair showed up on 13th March & were checking out the nest - here's hoping..............

Have posted all I've taken today, unedited, as I'm so excited!!!  They both flew off & now Mr Kestrel has returned to nest & sitting, waiting like a spider in the middle of a web!  Just going to video him













 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • So glad to see him back Wendy, but as you say what is that sticking out of his mouth, could be a bone maybe, how long did you see it there?, have you seen him with prey since this? Bit worrying, once more!   Hope the chick is doing well in the rescue home.  Any sign of more in the nest?

    Lot to learn

  • Attempt number two at a reply G!!

    Unfortunately I only noticed when checking pics after Mr K had flown & have not seen him since even though I'm back on watch!!

    Baby George is doing well still & eating for England & have just ordered frozen day-old chicks for tomorrow & will take them with me when I go to see him for first time since rescue!  He was the only one in nest - the one died when it fell out - think there were more but George was only survivor!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi Wendy, all I can say is that I'm so so sorry for missing so much of your wonderful thread about your kestrel family. This being the first page I've visited in a long time, I am seeing the name "Baby George" and also the words "rescue home" immediately - both exciting and worrying! I've gone through the pages trying to catch up, but I'm not doing so well as the computer is still recovering and throwing tantrum after tantrum! Best wishes to you and the K family, I'm off to search through this thread again and hope the computer allows me more success this time! Really hope everything's ok!

  • Hi Wendy, What an amazing thread and like Lil Wren I've only just caught up! The photos and videos are remarkable - I've only ever taken distant and not particularly sharp flying shots but yours are stunning. Looking forward to your updates - this is true 'reality TV'!

  • Thanks LW & J_I_UK - update due tomorrow on today's visit to Baby George!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • So privileged to be able to visit this lovely Kestrel chick & see up close how well he is doing!  He is in a place of real safety & comfort, seems very relaxed & feeding well on day-old chicks which will provide good nourishment.  Varying the size of the pieces indicates that he is starting to tear at his food  & he is regurgitating pellets as he should.  Has been busily preening out all the baby fluff (it is everywhere) & getting grown-up feathers.  He has plenty of room to practice his wing stretching & flapping ready for flying, although not doing much of this yet (still puzzling over the timeline of pics to try to estimate his age!)

    Took some pics & a vid to share but will not do this too often as, although he was not at all fazed by it, wouldn't want to agitate him too often!

    next couple with feeding door open...

    His enclosure is high up off the ground at the bottom of a 100ft garden in the shade of a humungous Walnut tree which backs onto local farmers' fields & he is safe from predation!   He's such a little dot really & I wish him well!

    I have not seen any more of Mr K & I am constantly checking still - do hope he comes back!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Am very pleased with the outcome so far D - a way to go yet but feel he at least has a chance!  Meant to add that, in this Walnut tree is a large Barn Owl box (unoccupied unfortunately) & another in a tree 50ft away!  Is a true wildlife area  - mostly weedy with grasses & thistles & seeding wildflowers with a barrel badger box, a lovely large log hoghouse with various others dotted around (last week he had three babies brought there!  In the adjacent greenhouse I saw my very first damsel (I think) a very pretty electric blue color but much to flitty for me to get a pic.  Good people these - also foster rescue dogs for re-homing & basically look after anything on four legs/or with various wings!!  So good to meet like-minded people after dealing with my #*%$% neighbours!!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi Wendy he is absolutely gorgeous :-) Beautiful wee thing, I feel privileged watching the video, thanks for sharing :-) Brilliant things you're doing for him Wendy well done he has a lot to thank you for :-)

  • Such a wonderful photo update of baby George and the video clip is brilliant Wendy,   it makes me well up with emotion when I see this gorgeous Kestrel chick and so very pleased he is doing so well;    as Alan says, you should feel very proud of your efforts to save this beautiful bird.     Well done Wendy and thanks so much for these updates, we have all fallen in love with the Kestrel story and hope the male parent returns.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • wendyB I finally have my email notifications at the weekend and laptop back today :-))) so I was catching up at the weekend with everything that has happened to mr & mrsK so much drama!!! I am so happy that you managed to rescue "George" and thank you so much for sharing the updates and the recent photos and video. certainly "George" seems to be thriving.  I too hope Mr K is ok and that it wasnt wire on his beak :(  oh and I saw a kestrel today driving on a bypass. first one in quite a while  :(  anyway once again wendyb thank you so much for your posts and I too hope you feel very proud as doggie said