I set off this afternoon for the feeding posts(s) I've started at the old Oak tree down the lane, I guess I've started something now!
Anyway, lots of activity in the hedge down the hill but no-one that wanted to wait to be photographed so, I was almost at the first crossroads when I spotted some wildlife up by the Oak tree.
Tranquility on the verge
I spotted a couple of Roe deer feeding on the verge so I moved forward slowly, taking shots.
Ehhhh, guys!
I thought it was a couple of Roe deer but I'm sure there are three in that shot?
Walking slowly on ...
Jeez! That's some hill guys! (it is)
Jeez, it is!
Where you goin?
Hey! Wait fer me!
Turns out there were four of them, always lovely to see but .........
There's a guy up here!
His job is to keep numbers down!
More from the old Oak feeding patch soon.
PS The Red Squirrel was fine
PimperneBloke said:May I suggest you head back there forthwith, as you seem to have neglected to tie the yellow ribbon round it
I thought it was a pub ...
Lovely photos Scozmos, in a beautiful location ...
Cheers BD, it's my daily wander now
So this has become my go-to visit these days after discovering the Nuthatches here, they're not exactly rare in Scotland but as you move North they are fewer and further between apparently so we're all happy to see them and hope they'll hang around and nest in Spring / Summer. There are lots of GSW nests in trees all around here and I've seen Nuthatches re-purpose them for their own use. I have also seen a GSW pair take one back after the Nuthatches had started their renovations! Poor wee souls.
Back on October 31st was when I first spotted them at this location and a mile or so down the road as well, since re-discovering them at the end of the year I'm pretty sure I counted around six, now down to three or four, guessing they've spread out a bit but time will tell.
So, I now wander up here, almost daily, it's a 1/2 mile walk, which is nice and drop a bit of mixed food on a post, as well as mixed nuts on another for the Red Squirrel which seems to be getting used to my presence.
The first to turn up are almost always the Coal Tits.
There's also a Robin that I've now tracked into a pile of deadwood and twigs just by the tree.
Both of them are prone to dropping onto the food as soon as I let go so I now hang around with a little on my hand first .......... patience
The fence runs past this huge old Oak on the edge of a mixed deciduous woodland and I'm now getting used to seeing Treecreepers every visit, sometimes three of them
As we all know, getting good shots of them can be tricky but at least they're almost always there, giving me more chances.
Another regular visitor although not quite as brave.... yet, are the Great Tits, they hang back and keep an eye on me for a while and usually I have to back off before they join in.
I know these are pretty close shots, on this occasion I stood with my back against the Oak, facing the same direction as the feeding post and this bird stood on branches at almost eye level in front of me.
I'm a "squirrel"!!!! kind of watcher, something catches my eye and my attention shifts instantly, you never know do you?
And then it turned up.
The Nuthatch playing wary on this occasion.
And for some reason, that's all I got on this day, maybe I was actually on one of my walks so headed on down the lane but, dare I say it? You may get fed up of Nuthatch photos!
That said, my other, red pal shows its face soon.
More lovely photo's Scozmos. Nice to see the tree creeper, I don't see them that often. When I do they are apt to go to the other side of the tree
Until recently, same here Mac, these just seem to ignore me completely, which is nice