Garden Pond Visitors.

We finally had the pond emptied and cleaned out last week, first time in 12 years and now we have a clear view of the water and far bank looking from the house. Also now a large pile of plant muck, sludge and weed to get the the local tip.

Yesterday we had a extraordinary variety of birds visit, to start with there were 6/8 Blackbirds, mostly this years fledglings all fighting to find space for a bath.

Then briefly amongst the plants  at the back of the pond a Redwing appeared and disappeared just as quickly. The earliest I've ever seen a Redwing and no picture. Equally as quickly and  briefly appeared & disappeared was a female Blackcap. The latest in the year I've ever seen one of them as well. There then appeared a succession of Dunnock, Goldfinch,Sparrow, Blue Tit, Great Tot,  Greenfinch, Wagtail, pair of Wrens and finally a Heron landed on the deck at the end of the pond.

It wandered around the pond to meet a friend sat on the side.

This is only the second time in 20 years we've had a Heron visit the pond. No food to interest it as there are no fish and the newts will have left the water any now. 

Then today Sun we had a Jay land at the pond but I moved in my seat and got was gone. It makes such a difference to the garden having a pond.