Titchwell & Frampton Marsh

Our first visit to rspb Titchwell Marsh in 7 years so it was lovely to be back on the North Norfolk coast again.    Saturday was a beautifully sunny day and felt comfortably warm;    as we wandered down the kilometre to the beach and then back towards the visitor centre we spotted, not only a Black-winged Stilt (thought to be an escapee) but the lesser spotted Seymouraves;  description perfect ...  black beanie, muck boots, tripod with orange tape ...... YES, that had to be him... TICK !!     S was kind enough to put up with us for the next couple of hours as we wandered together towards fen hide, stopping off at an area where we saw a Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, eagerly keeping an eye open for any fleeting glances of a yellow-browed Warbler which sadly eluded us.   We did eventually catch up with three Lesser Whitethroat later that afternoon.   Always a bonus to have a birding expert on hand to ID, share valuable info and locate species so thank you S,  as we stood there a flock of distant Lapwings were spooked into the air and S identified a Peregrine falcon in amongst them;   thank you so much S,  it was a real pleasure to finally meet you.    

I probably used the bins far more than lifting the camera as I'd rather see the bird than miss it twiddling with camera settings, however, we were on the reserve for 9 hours in total and the evening light was too good not to grab the camera.     So a mix of photos which I will load in batches on this one thread.    

Adult male black-winged Stilt .........reported as an escapee as it was ringed, however, a very nice bird to see


One of the pools along the footpath down to the beach ....

The beach area .........  and the sky was that blue and the sun did shine :)

We could even see the house we were renting from the reserve  !    one with the Velux window in roof ......   the rear garden overlooks a ploughed field and we saw pink-footed geese the first evening along with crows, jackdaws, wood pigeon....also a curlew, wild rabbits and a muntjac deer crossing the field;   a Red Kite and Marsh Harrier overhead  !  

Lots of Lapwings on the pools and the colourful plumage was showing well in the sunshine .........

Back with more photos ...    now for the Redshanks, Curlew, Bk.t.Godwit and Turnstones ....      in that evening light I was telling you about !

Greylag geese sorting those feathers out !  



back to Redshanks again 

a few more pics to come ...... in due course !

3rd set of photos ...............   starting with a Lesser Whitethroat  - looked like a juvenile ?

and an adult Lesser Whitethroat 

A "flying teaspoon"   next. .........

Reed buntings next,  female 

male Reed Bunting ....

a Linnet......


Regards, Hazel 

  • Lovely set of shots Hazy and that perfect evening light Heart eyes

  • Great selection of wonderful pics, thanks for sharing aitch Blush


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks everyone;   I will add a few more photos from today at some stage but as we are travelling tomorrow and Saturday it may be  a couple of days before I can post them.   3 out of the 7 days were a total wash out but today it was blustery but sunny so made the most of our last day at Titchwell.   Tomorrow we might head via Frampton Marsh before we head via Nottingham overnight and back home Saturday afternoon.      I have edited a couple of pics from today;    Little Egret on the coastline, Brent Geese, Curlew and what I think are Golden Plover when a huge flock landed on the scrapes.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Your luck with the weather hasn’t stopped you sharing your fabulous photos Hazel, I do hope your remaining days are dry and hopefully blue sky’s and plenty of sunshine. 

  • A few more photos from Titchwell and then our visit to Frampton Marsh rspb yesterday.........

    lots of Little and Great Egrets around, here's a little version !

    Avocets too .....

    Red Admiral enjoying the sunshine that day 

    Saw at least a couple of dozen Brent Geese out on the sea and also on the fresh and salt water pools ....



    After leaving Titchwell yesterday we headed via Frampton Marsh ........... generally a quiet day but did see some really nice species, not all photographed....  

    amongst which were several Weasels, Spoonbill, Whooper Swan, Little Grebes and a Merlin

    Starting with a female Stonechat ...

    Little Grebe

    Spoonbill in flight...

    Goldfinches, Greenfinches were taking advantage of the wild sunflowers that had been especially planted for them at Frampton Marsh 


    and a distant Merlin

    Think that about wraps up our visit to Norfolk and Lincolnshire but if I find anymore pics I'll add them here;    thanks for viewing them 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Nice photo's Hazy. Great to have seen a spoonbill and merlin. I have never seen a merlin...