A Wee Visit to Tay Reed Beds

So as you all know am desperate to see a bearded reedling /tit whichever you prefer....that desperation continues am afraid as yesterdays visit to Errol in search of them and the Marsh Harriers was another failure.

Well I had fun even if OH didn't ...he did say he's no visiting another Reed Bed ever again Joy ....it is pretty huge , the largest in the UK in fact!!

It was a late morning decision to go and weather was a tad yucky but he sleeps and I drive, well he slept until I had to make a swift pitstop on M9..too much coffee before I left ....lol

Arrived about 1.15 and headed down the circular path..

..then it was do we go left or right as never noticed a sign post, walked left then walked backed to the right and found a sign post then to the reed beds...a day out wouldn't be complete if I didn't get lost lol

Hello sheep

A don't see any Reed beds just fields....with Pink footed geese woohoo 1st newbie of the day

Blinking miles away but I see them I have crap photos of them...that counts

Oh then on the high wire to my right another newbie Linnets

Where the hell are these Reeds.... Oh a think I found them!!!

A pheasant flying away 

I heard a few tweets amongst the reeds but never saw a beardie...so sad ....no marsh harriers either, Lots of geese were flying back and forth

One last look

Just another pheasant 

Defeated yet again Disappointed 

At least the Linnets had gathered to say cheerio 

Blending in on the ground also

Oh then a wee Stonechat popped up to say hi and bye

All in all I had a good couple of hours despite the disappointment of losing at hide n seek yet again....the battle continues just without OH lol

Thanks for looking guys.

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)