Brandon Marsh 26 Aug and more Kingfisher Pics

You know how it is, a nice morning with the prospect of the weather staying reasonable for the day, a new lens and certain species of birds making themselves know, but challenging.....

This was such a day, starting with a nice twilight

One of the locals checking out the reedbed

Followed by a nice sunrise....

After nipping  up  to the next hide, which had a clear view of  the sunrise, it was back to my first hide,  after seeing a kingie on the post right in front of  the hide. Guess what (it is a tail of the one that got away), no, not one kingie, but two, probably siblings as they both looked like young males.

Still, I managed to get one of the two

After leaving the hide to look  at something else, and returning somewhat later, according to the two others in the hide, the kingie's had stopped playing. But a common sandpiper had shown up and posing nicely for piccies.....

There was talk of a green sandpiper visible from another hide....

But before that, a little egret was feeding at the edge of the reeds on another pool....

The green sandpiper, but from afar....

More little egret activity, this time a lot nearer

Further out, a great white egret was fishing, by opening its wings out

It was successful in making a catch, sadly I didn't, but this was the best I could get...

What better the finish off with (except a kingie) another green sandpiper.....

  • Great sightings and photo captures Mike;        Risking an edit !!  as now I'm not sure whether Kingie is juvie or adult.   As you say if there were two maybe siblings 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Great sightings and photo captures Mike;        Risking an edit !!  as now I'm not sure whether Kingie is juvie or adult.   As you say if there were two maybe siblings 

    Good to see you back, but a sad deficiency with tech when organisations, commercial or charitable, have to depend on it.

    Talking to some of the regulars at Brandon, it seems very likely they're two (poss three) juvenile males.