WWT Welney July '24 (pt 3)

As you may know, I am keen on a Tern... but what is better than a Tern? You guessed it... TWO Terns!

Large White butterfly (I'm catching you up Snappy!)

Whooper Swan, that had stayed over the summer

And the rest of the family!

And the usual greeting, without the sound effects, not sure who decides to bow first, but is somehow sweet and respectful

Marsh Harrier, youngster I think

And a second one 

They must have really missed each other!

Some of Welney's supporting summer cast, Canada Geese, Greylags, Lapwings, Shovellers, Coots, Oystercatchers

Moving on to another hide, Meadow Brown

A bit more Tern love

Young Moorhen (aka Bigfoot 2)

Probably the same one as before, but another grey Pied Wagtail (probably!)

Tern and prey..

But he obviously got bored of carrying it... nom nom

All gone!

Whatever this one caught, was too big

But not for long!

Common Darter, on the pond dipping trays

Common Carpet Moth

One of the big surprises of the day was the flyover Spoonbill

Small Tortoiseshell

A Silver Y

A Hissy Swan

A young looking Heron

And a gobby Wren!

And that will conclude this part, should just be one more for Monday!!

Hope you enjoyed, and as always, corrections ahoyyyyy!

Stay Safe All