WWT Welney July '24 (pt 2)

Being an early riser for work, generally, I'm quite often up before Mrs PB when we're off. Today was no exception, so I made a coffee, and on the kitchen wall a Meal Moth (according to Google)

Through the kitchen window, a wascally wabbit

I wandered out into the garden, having seen some gulls fly by over the hedge... a truly inspired decision! Hirundine heaven... House Martin

One of a pair of vocalising Jackdaws

A Martin flying like a Skylark

Sand Martin

And Swallow

were all whirling about overhead, and the Tree Sparrow was keeping an eye on things!

A Herring Gull cruised over

Before another House Martin fizzed by

And another ID free juvenile gull came into view

A slightly tatty looking Robin

And a sleek looking pigeon

Making sure I'm nowhere near his nestbox!

A Collared Dove, sharing the pigeons wire

Mrs PB made an appearance, so it was time for breakfast, and on the way in... possibly last nights' Red Admiral 

So after sustenance of thick sliced toast with thick sliced marmalade, we headed to the reserve, crossing the pond, more fluffiness

And crossing the bridge from the welcome centre to the reserve House Sparrows

Along the wooded fencing are some artfully cut out holes... always worth peering through, as you never know what might be lurking... Kingfisher perhaps!

Perched upon the fence, a little further than the sparrows, a Swallow of two

Now... Camera error? User error? Ghost Swallow? Or are there actually 2 Swallows sat one behind the other?

Incoming Starling invasion

We eventually made it into the first observatory area, Lapwing

Mrs Mally keeping an eye on things

Little Egret on the move

Great White Egret, not sure what it's eaten, but some of it still appears to be unswallowed!

Gull-ette (which, thinking about it... is where the egrets food is!!)

I think this is a young Pied Wagtail, but none of my books have any images this grey

And to close this part... Great White Egret

So, that's up to 9:45... quite a long day ahead!!

Any ID help, as always, gratefully received. Hope you enjoyed

Stay Safe All