WWT Welney July '24 (pt 1)

So Mrs PB and I decided we should head back east, and one of the cottages at WWT Welney was available for the days we were booked off work... no brainer following our previous fabulous visit. A different time of year, a different set of birds, hopefully still fabulous!

We headed up, and made good time, arriving a couple of hours before we could check in to the cottage. Having planned for that sort of arrival time (lunch time!) we were organised with cumberland sausages in crusty rolls to sate our appetites Slight smile Having eaten I grabbed the camera and smaller lens for a quick pre unloading gander at what was about.... In the pool outside the reception area Moorhen + balls of fluff

I didn't realise Terns habituated there, so imagine my delight when I spotted...

On the bridge over the pool Common Blue damsels

You know sometimes you wish you'd picked a bigger lens.... Swallow chasing a Sparrowhawk? (NB "chasing" may not be the right word.... accidentally in the same frame may be more accurate Smiley)

It turned out it is Swallow heaven!

A  few shots from the main hide, giving an idea of the area

Wanting to stretch our legs a bit after three and a half hours in the car, we didn't stop long in the observatory, and had a little wander along. There were a few Hoverflies about

It had been quite sunny on the way up, but now it was beginning to cloud over, but still quite warm. Oystercatchers overhead and calling were a feature of the break

I'm always surprised how wide Lapwings wings are, and not sure what ruff-y, sandpiper-y thing is bottom left?

Then I wondered why are they flying and not snoozing or feeding.... Sparrowhawk headed back would explain it!

Another different hoverbeeflywasp

Several whites were flittering about, reluctant to land unfortunately... One that did, Green Veined White

A Red Soldier Beetle surveying the precipice

And a Lesser Noticed Pollen Beetle (NB I might have made that up, and it could even be another Soldier Beetle!)

Reed Warbler, often heard making it's awful racket.... I mean delighting us with the sounds of summer song

Soldier Beetle chow time

More Hoverbeeflywasp action

Some Tern feeding going on somewhere!

Marsh Harrier overhead

I like Terns, what can I say? Laughing

And one of those practically impossible to ID juvenile gulls

As the time ticked on to 3 o'clock so the cottage would be available, we headed back. A youngish Moorhen (aka Bigfoot) was on the bridge

And a Lapwing (aka Bigwing) flew over

I drove the 15 seconds from the car park to the cottage (Mrs PB walked and got there first lol) and we unpacked, then took a cuppa into the garden to see what it was like. On the wires above several Pigeons and Collared Doves

And a Chiffbler was in the vegetation

Don't think I've seen a completely black bee before!

A young Robin was just coming into its finery

And a Red Admiral made a conscious decision to move from the top of the leaf to the underside, I suspect to shelter from the rain that was just beginning

A Tree Sparrow alighted at the end of the garden

And then came up t the same bushes/trees that the Chiffbler was...

And it wasn't until the following day I realised it was nesting in a bird box, directly behind my head as we were sat at the garden table.... Sorry Mr Sparra + family!

And finally for the day, a Dusty Pollen Bee (NB I might have made that up)

It was then time to go in and watch the footie, and prepare for a sunnier, bigger lensed day Monday!

Thanks for reading, and for any ID's/ corrections

Stay Safe All