Too Late to the Moss

Well as some of yous may know I went to Leighton Moss on Saturday (1st time ever)...all I can say is I wish I went in spring like I was advised but hey ho av been and a will go back in Spring. 5hr round trip so only natural I was disappointed not to see as much as I wanted but then I always have the devil saying you can see more in your Garden Linda why did you leave it.

I wasn't actually gonna do a post but now am semi out my mood...guess a did see a little more than I Thinkingthought 

So here is what I actually got a glimpse of Joy 

Well I heard plenty just never bloody seen them lol..OH said he saw one when we were standing on the watch tower (I think he was just trying to p*ss me off even more Laughing 

My 1st mash tit..yeah that was the clearest shot possible 

Very distant Great white Egret 

Chiffchaff everywhere


Much more to see at the Eric Morecambe hide...that's when we eventually found signs and bad directions from a young member of staff!

Lapwing, Godwit, redshank, greenshank, geese..

My 1st Avocet 

Well that's your lot, I have a couple of vids a might upload later.

Hope you enjoyed as much as I did Grinning 

And thanks for looking.

See you in springtime LM!!!

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)