A farne Island raretie.

Had a trip to the Farne Islands today with family to celebrate the passing of another year - (well really that day is next week). Our 7 year old grandson was with us for his first visit since he was a babe in arms and he was really excited for the trip and thoroughly enjoyed himself. What excited him was being present was being there to witness a Farne Island oddity - a mature Gannet looking seriously like it wants to nest there, though it is on its own. Apparently it has been there a few days, returning to the same area and today we even witnessed it go down and collect some seaweed, returnn to the ledge it has been using put the seaweed down in nest making fashion - as much as you can call any Gannet location a nest. It was fascinating to witness but to date only the one Gannet has been noted. The bird has the black irises associated with surviving Avian Flu - whether that is something that has caused this bird some confusion may be a possibility, but nevertheless it was fascinating to see something I have never witnessed before at the Farnes, though I have never been there and not had at least one overflight of Gannets as they make there way to or from Bass Rock in the First of Forth.

More pictures will be added tomorrow but I thought that this Gannet deserved its own post.